The utility of human neutrophil peptide (1–3) in upper and lower pediatric urinary tract infections in kerbala province
Human Neutrophil Peptide is important components of the innate defense mechanism in the urinary tract. This aim was investigated by comparing urinary HNP (1–3) peptide levels of upper and lower Urinary tract infections (UTIs) patients to those of controls. A case- control study was conducted in Kerbala teaching Hospital during the period from December 2020 to April 2021. Fifty patients with confirmed pyelonephritis or cystitis and 40 healthy controls without UTI. Urinary level of HNP (1–3) were determined using an Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kit. The mean concentration of antimicrobial peptide HNP (1–3) ng/ml was 5.8988 ng/ml in pyelonephritis patients compared with cystitis patients 5.1203 ng/ml, while the concentration in patients generally was 5.385 ng/ml compared with heathy control where it was 0.9047.
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Urinary tract infection Pyelonephritis Cystitis AMPs and HNP (1–3)
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