تأثير المستخلص المائي لنبات القرع Curcurbita sp. في طفيلي الجيارديا اللامبلية Giardia lamblia في الجسم الحي
The carrier white mice of the Giardia lamblia have been given doses of the water extract
with the concentration (3000, 2000, 1000,Mgm. Of the Cucurbita sp while the second group
was given 30 mg. of Meronidazole, and control group was given the physiological salt
solution.The treatment with the water extract 1000mg. The phases in their feces swabs
continued to appear to the 16th day but some of those mice got healed during the 12th day
after taking the dose(2000mg.) whereas the water extract 3000 had a great effect during the
th day after taking the dose. The control group remained inflicted to the 7th day and died
after that. The liver tissue sectors have been checked up to figure out the pathological
changes occurring due to giving the water extract of the pumpkin and the Metronidazole.The
sectors of mice liver tissue showed the congestion of the water extract with the concentration
of (3000mg.) and a necrosis in addition to hypertrophy of the veins let alone the increase in
the cell size(the inability of the Oxygen to get to the tissues) while a hypoxia was noticed in
the mice livers which were given a metronidazole dose of 30mg. as well as a congestion of
the veins and by comparing the afore-mentioned sectors with the sectors of the mice liver
given the physiological salt solution as a control group. So far one can conclude that the hot
water extract of the Cucurbita sp 3000mg./kg. is a better extract that can be used to get rid of
the Giardia lamblia parasite.
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