مفردات منهاج قسم التحليلات المرضية كلية العلوم الطبية جامعة كربلاء
المرحلة الثالثة
Course Description
Pathology is one of the branches of medicine, which is concerned with studying the nature of diseases, and the structural and functional changes that are associated with various diseases, and the changes that diseases cause in tissues, or the reactions include various phenomena, Such as transformation, atrophy, hypertrophy, neoplasia and inflammation.
A branch of pathology concerned with microscopic examination of tissue in order to study the manifestations of disease. Histopathology refers to the examination of a biopsy or surgical specimen by a pathologist.
Practical application of diagnostic methods on available modern devices such as microtomes and optical microscopes.
The student learns about the most common tissue diseases among people.
Understanding the mechanism and steps of the development of tissue disease
Identify the basic and modern methods for diagnosing and treating these disease
Understanding the genetic and environmental influences that lead to the emergence of tissue diseases
Course Description
The fundamentals of Molecular biology: Lectures are focused on the structure of Nucleic acid DNA and RNA, Organization of Nucleic acid, Replication of DNA, Transcription, Translation. Laboratory sessions are focused on Nucleic acid Extraction, PCR technique, Electrophoresis technique .
Laboratory Learning Outcomes
Information about molecular lab. instruments
information about each instrument and it function.
Preparation of Solutions for Molecular techniques
Preparation molar solution .
Preparation X- solution.
Preparation percentage.
Structure of Nucleic Acids
DNA structure.
RNA structure.
Different types of DNA extraction methods are available
Chemical-based DNA extraction method.
Solid-phase DNA extraction method.
Salting out DNA extraction method
Phenol-chloroform method of DNA extraction
An enzymatic method of DNA extraction:
CsCl density gradient method of DNA extraction
Different types of RNA extraction methods are available
Organic extraction methods,
Spin basket formats,
Magnetic particle methods,
Direct lysis methods.
Animal Tissue DNA-Extraction Protocol
Blood DNA-Extraction Amplification Protocol
Gram’s Positive DNA-Extraction Protocol
Gram’s Negative DNA-Extraction Protocol
PCR technique
Agarose gel Electrophoresis technique
Acrylamide Electrophoresis technique
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