كلية العلوم الطبية التطبيقية

سيرة ذاتية

د. احمد جميل حنتاو

اللقب العلمي: مدرس

Title: Dr.

Name: Ahmed Jameel Hintaw

Academic Rank: Lecturer



1- B.Sc. in Computer Science / ARUC University 2009 – 2010.

2- M.Sc. in Computer Science/ Information Technology and Managements / University of Hamdard (UH) 2012.

3- PhD in Computer Science / Cybersecurity / Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) 2009.

4- Lecturer. Dr. in Computer Science / Cybersecurity / University of Kerbala 2021.


Student Supervision (Master degree/PhD)

Thesis/ Dissertation Title: Secure Hybrid Scheme for Securing MQTT Protocol Based on Enhanced Symmetric Algorithm

Year: 2022

– Cybersecurity.

– Internet of Things.

– Cryptography.

– Network Security.

  • Publications:

    • Hintaw, A. J., Manickam, S., Aboalmaaly, M. F., & Karuppayah, S. (2023). MQTT vulnerabilities, attack vectors and solutions in the internet of things (IoT). IETE Journal of Research, 69(6), 3368-3397.
    • Hintaw, A. J., Manickam, S., Karuppayah, S., Aladaileh, M. A., Aboalmaaly, M. F., & Laghari, S. U. A. (2023). A Robust Security Scheme Based on Enhanced Symmetric Algorithm for MQTT in the Internet of Things. IEEE Access.\
    • Aladaileh, M. A., Anbar, M., Hintaw, A. J., Hasbullah, I. H., Bahashwan, A. A., Al-Amiedy, T. A., & Ibrahim, D. R. (2023). Effectiveness of an entropy-based approach for detecting low-and high-rate DDoS attacks against the SDN controller: Experimental analysis. Applied Sciences, 13(2), 775.
    • Aladaileh, M. A., Anbar, M., Hintaw, A. J., Hasbullah, I. H., Bahashwan, A. A., & Al-Sarawi, S. (2022). Renyi joint entropy-based dynamic threshold approach to detect DDoS attacks against SDN controller with various traffic rates. Applied Sciences, 12(12), 6127.
    • Hintaw, A. J., Manickam, S., Karuppayah, S., & Aboalmaaly, M. F. (2019). A Brief Review on MQTT’s Security Issues within the Internet of Things (IoT). J. Commun., 14(6), 463-469.
    • Hintaw, Chukwa Ogbu Richard. (2019). Phishing as a Hazard to E-Business. International Journal of Computer and Internet Security, 4(2), 59-63.



    Peer-reviewed papers

    – Detection and Mitigation of DDoS Attacks on SDN Controller in IoT Network using Gini Impurity, Cluster Computing, Springer Nature, 2024.

    – Hybrid Deep Learning and Dynamic Counter for Secure SDN-IoT Network for DDoS Attack Detection and Mitigation, Journal of Supercomputing, Springer Nature, 2024.

    – DDoS Attack Detection in IoT Networks Using Deep Learning Models Combined with Random Forest as Feature Selector, ACeS 2020, Springer Nature, 2020.

    – Evaluating File Cluster Classification based on Extreme Learning Machine Classifier and Content-based Feature Vectors, ACeS 2020, Springer Nature, 2020.

    – Cybersecurity in Diabetic Contraptions with Boosted EHO Optimization, ACeS 2020, Springer Nature, 2020.

    – Detect & Reject for Transferability of Black-box Adversarial Attacks Against Network Intrusion Detection Systems, ACeS 2021, Springer Nature, 2021.

    – Threats on AI Machine Learning Technique by Data Poisoning Attack: A Survey, ACeS 2021, Springer Nature, 2021.

    – Cascade Generalization based Functional Tree for Website Phishing Detection, ACeS 2021, Springer Nature, 2021.

    – Being Lean-Green in the Pandemic Era: Will it impact the Sustainability Performance of the Public Higher Education Institution, ICL 2022, Supply chain management, 2022.

    – IoT Enabled & Blockchain-Based Secure Delivery Tracking System: A Performance Check, ICL 2022, Supply chain management, 2022.

    – How Supply Chain Resilience Supports Firm Performance in Face of Disruptions, ICL 2022, Supply chain management, 2022.

    – Malaise detection using transfer learning, ICL 2022, Supply chain management, 2022.

– Computer Programming for first stage (undergraduate).

– Information Technology for first stage of Applied Medical Science College (undergraduate).

– Biostatistics for second stage of Applied Medical Science College (undergraduate).

– Microprocessor, System software for second stage (undergraduate).

-Fundamentals Computer Networking, and Computer Application for third stage (undergraduate).

-Security of Computer & Network for fourth stage (undergraduate).