كلية العلوم الطبية التطبيقية

سيرة ذاتية

الاسم : د. كريم خضير كريم

اللقب العلمي: استاذ مساعد دكتور

Title: M.Sc.

Name: Karem Kdaer Karem

Academic Rank: Assistant Professor


1- B.Sc in Community Health Techniques / Middle Technical University 1998 – 1999.

2- M.Sc in Community Health Techniques / community Health / Middle Technical University 2010.

3- PhD students in Microbiology / Immunity / University of Basrah 2021.

4- Ass. Prof. in Community Health Techniques / Middle Technical University 2019.

– Human Immunity & Epidemiology.

– Biochemical & Microbiological analysis.

– Human Health.


1- “An Evaluation of Hemoglobin Concentration in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2”, International Journal of Drug Delivery Technology; 9(2); 177-181. 2019
2- “Incidence of Multi-Drug Resistant Escherichia Coli Isolates from Blood and Urine in Kerbala, Iraq.”, Journal of Kerbala University, Vol. 12 No.4 Scientific. 2014.
3- “Physiological analysis of vitamin D deficiency in food and its impact on osteoporosis and heredity”, Eurasia J Biosci.12, 425-430. 2018.
4- “Comparison between manual procedure and automated for determinant of WBCs and PCV in maternity and labor hospital in Karbala city”, J Contemp. Med Sci | Vol. 2, No. 7: 93–95, Summer 2016.

5- “Protective Effect of Green Tea Against Poisoning with Malathion in Adult Rats”, Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, Vol. 10, No. 02, February 2019.

6- “Protective Effect of Green Tea Against Poisoning with Malathion in Adult Rats”, Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, Vol. 10, No. 02, February 2019.

7- “Apo Lipoprotein A1 and High Density Lipoprotein As Risk Marker Among Myocardial Infarction Patients in General Hospital in Kerbala City”, Sci. J. Med. Res. Vol. 4, Issue 16, pp 134- 137  Autumn 2020.

8- “Epidemiological study of breast cancer among women in Karbala between 2011 and 2013.governorate”, Al-Kufa University Journal for Biology / VOL.8/ NO.3/ Year: 2016.

– Human Biology first stage (undergraduate).

– Medical Ethics for first stage (undergraduate).

– Public Health for Second stage (undergraduate)

– Lab professional practices for Second stage (undergraduate)