Non-neoplastic MultinodularGoiterHisto Pathological Study

[mhc_section admin_label="section"][mhc_row admin_label="row"][mhc_column type="4_4"][mhc_text admin_label="نص" background_layout="light" text_orientation="justified"] Non-neoplastic MultinodularGoiterHisto Pathological Study عبير جياد يوسف جامعة كربلاء /كلية العلوم Abstract The…

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The toxic effect of nickel chloride (II) and potassium dichromate (VI) on the activity of reproductive system in male mice

[mhc_section admin_label="section"][mhc_row admin_label="row"][mhc_column type="4_4"][mhc_text admin_label="نص" background_layout="light" text_orientation="justified"] The toxic effect of nickel chloride (II) and potassium dichromate (VI) on the…

Continue ReadingThe toxic effect of nickel chloride (II) and potassium dichromate (VI) on the activity of reproductive system in male mice

Accumulation of Heavy Metals Nickel chloride(II) and potassium dichromate (VI) in the Male Mice for Different Organs and Its Effects on Absolute Weights

[mhc_section admin_label="section"][mhc_row admin_label="row"][mhc_column type="4_4"][mhc_text admin_label="نص" background_layout="light" text_orientation="justified"] Accumulation of Heavy Metals Nickel chloride(II) and potassium dichromate (VI) in the Male…

Continue ReadingAccumulation of Heavy Metals Nickel chloride(II) and potassium dichromate (VI) in the Male Mice for Different Organs and Its Effects on Absolute Weights

The effects of Heavy metal (Nickel) on Hematological parameters of laboratory male mice

[mhc_section admin_label="section"][mhc_row admin_label="row"][mhc_column type="4_4"][mhc_text admin_label="نص" background_layout="light" text_orientation="justified"] The effects of Heavy metal (Nickel) on Hematological parameters of laboratory male mice…

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An Investigation into the Type of Bacteria causing Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs) in Hospital Departments and Areas- In Karbala

[mhc_section admin_label="section"][mhc_row admin_label="row"][mhc_column type="4_4"][mhc_text admin_label="نص" background_layout="light" text_orientation="justified"] An Investigation into the Type of Bacteria causing Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs) in…

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Hospital Building and Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs) in terms of total contamination data and cases grouped by department/areas

[mhc_section admin_label="section"][mhc_row admin_label="row"][mhc_column type="4_4"][mhc_text admin_label="نص" background_layout="light" text_orientation="justified"] Hospital Building and Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs) in terms of total contamination data…

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Study the effect of Nigella Sativa on thyroid function and reproductive hormone of female rat

[mhc_section admin_label="section"][mhc_row admin_label="row"][mhc_column type="4_4"][mhc_text admin_label="نص" background_layout="light" text_orientation="right"] Study the effect of Nigella Sativa on thyroid function and reproductive hormone of…

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The relationship between male testosterone hormone and some female hormones in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

[mhc_section admin_label="section"][mhc_row admin_label="row"][mhc_column type="4_4"][mhc_text admin_label="نص" background_layout="light" text_orientation="justified"] The relationship between male testosterone hormone and some female hormones in women with…

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التأثير الكيموحيوي والفسلجي لعقار الديجوكسين (Digoxin ) على عضلة القلب والكبد

  • Post category:بحوث

[mhc_section admin_label="section"][mhc_row admin_label="row"][mhc_column type="4_4"][mhc_text admin_label="نص" background_layout="light" text_orientation="justified"] التأثير الكيموحيوي والفسلجي لعقار الديجوكسين (Digoxin ) على عضلة القلب والكبد م.د.غصون غانم…

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الجرعة المؤثرة ED50 للاستروجين النباتي المستخلص من نبات الفاصوليا على الخلية بانية العظم

[mhc_section admin_label="section"][mhc_row admin_label="row"][mhc_column type="4_4"][mhc_text admin_label="نص" background_layout="light" text_orientation="justified"] الجرعة المؤثرة ED50 للاستروجين النباتي المستخلص من نبات الفاصوليا على الخلية بانية العظم…

Continue Readingالجرعة المؤثرة ED50 للاستروجين النباتي المستخلص من نبات الفاصوليا على الخلية بانية العظم