Isolation and detection some factors causes diarrhea in children

[mhc_section admin_label="section"][mhc_row admin_label="row"][mhc_column type="4_4"][mhc_text admin_label="نص" background_layout="light" text_orientation="right"] Isolation and detection some factors causes diarrhea in children Ass.lectural Abeer Chiad Yousif…

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Accumulation of Heavy Metals Nickel chloride(II) and potassium dichromate (VI) in the Male Mice for Different Organs and Its Effects on Absolute Weights

[mhc_section admin_label="section"][mhc_row admin_label="row"][mhc_column type="4_4"][mhc_text admin_label="نص" background_layout="light" text_orientation="right"] Accumulation of Heavy Metals Nickel chloride(II) and potassium dichromate (VI) in the Male…

Continue ReadingAccumulation of Heavy Metals Nickel chloride(II) and potassium dichromate (VI) in the Male Mice for Different Organs and Its Effects on Absolute Weights

Accumulation of Heavy Metals Nickel chloride(II) and potassium dichromate (VI) in the Male Mice for Different Organs and Its Effects on Absolute Weights

[mhc_section admin_label="section"][mhc_row admin_label="row"][mhc_column type="4_4"][mhc_text admin_label="نص" background_layout="light" text_orientation="left"] Al-Kufa University Journal for Biology Accumulation of Heavy Metals Nickel chloride(II) and potassium…

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اعلان الامتحان التكميلي

[mhc_section admin_label="section"][mhc_row admin_label="row"][mhc_column type="2_3"][mhc_text admin_label="نص" background_layout="light" text_orientation="right"] اعلان الامتحان التكميلي /المحاولة الثانية الى ابنائنا الطلبة الاعزاء المدرجة اسماؤهم في القوائم…

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Relationship between thymosin β4 & IL-10 in systemic lupus erythematous patients correlated with (Sledai) in Kerbala Governorate

[mhc_section admin_label="section"][mhc_row admin_label="row"][mhc_column type="4_4"][mhc_text admin_label="نص" background_layout="light" text_orientation="right"] Relationship between thymosin β4 & IL-10 in systemic lupus erythematous patients correlated with…

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Prevalence of Scabies among Patients Attending the Dermatology Outpatient Clinic in Najaf governorate, Iraq

[mhc_section admin_label="section"][mhc_row admin_label="row"][mhc_column type="4_4"][mhc_text admin_label="نص" background_layout="light" text_orientation="left"] Prevalence of Scabies among Patients Attending the Dermatology Outpatient Clinic in Najaf governorate,…

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دراسة تأثير المستخلصات الخام لنبات عين البزونVinca rosea على نمو الخطوط الخلوية السرطانية والطبيعية لبعض اللبائن خارج الجسم الحي In vitro

[mhc_section admin_label="section"][mhc_row admin_label="row"][mhc_column type="4_4"][mhc_text admin_label="نص" background_layout="light" text_orientation="right"] دراسة تأثير المستخلصات الخام لنبات عين البزونVinca rosea  على نمو الخطوط الخلوية السرطانية…

Continue Readingدراسة تأثير المستخلصات الخام لنبات عين البزونVinca rosea على نمو الخطوط الخلوية السرطانية والطبيعية لبعض اللبائن خارج الجسم الحي In vitro

Evaluation the phagocytosis activity in patients with type II diabetes mellitus Taghreed Abd N. Alasady*, Hadi Rasool Hassan1, Wafaa Sadeq Mohsen2 1 Kerbala University, College of pharmacy *2 Kerbala University, College of science, Department of biology

[mhc_section admin_label="section"][mhc_row admin_label="row"][mhc_column type="4_4"][mhc_text admin_label="نص" background_layout="light" text_orientation="right"] Evaluation the phagocytosis activity in patients with type II diabetes mellitus Taghreed Abd…

Continue ReadingEvaluation the phagocytosis activity in patients with type II diabetes mellitus Taghreed Abd N. Alasady*, Hadi Rasool Hassan1, Wafaa Sadeq Mohsen2 1 Kerbala University, College of pharmacy *2 Kerbala University, College of science, Department of biology

Molecular detection and discrimination of three poultry Eimeria species in Kerbala and Babylon provinces, Iraq

[mhc_section admin_label="section"][mhc_row admin_label="row"][mhc_column type="4_4"][mhc_text admin_label="نص" background_layout="light" text_orientation="right"] Molecular detection and discrimination of three poultry Eimeria species in Kerbala and Babylon…

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تأثير المستخلص المائي والكحولي لنبات الصفصاف Salix acmophylla في تثبيط نمو الخطوط الخلوية السرطانية في الزجاج(in vitro)

[mhc_section admin_label="section"][mhc_row admin_label="row"][mhc_column type="4_4"][mhc_text admin_label="نص" background_layout="light" text_orientation="right"] تأثير المستخلص المائي والكحولي لنبات الصفصاف  Salix acmophylla في تثبيط نمو الخطوط الخلوية…

Continue Readingتأثير المستخلص المائي والكحولي لنبات الصفصاف Salix acmophylla في تثبيط نمو الخطوط الخلوية السرطانية في الزجاج(in vitro)