Repellent & attractive effect of aqueous (hot and cold) and Ethanolic extracts of plants Mentha piperita and Myrtus communis against nymph of Periplaneta americana L . (Blattodea : Blattidae).

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Repellent & attractive effect of aqueous (hot and cold) and Ethanolic extracts of plants Mentha piperita and Myrtus communis against nymph of Periplaneta americana L .
(Blattodea : Blattidae).


Abstract: The aim of the present study was to test the repellent and attractive effect of aqueous (hot and cold) and Ethanolic plants extracts of Mentha piperita and Myrtus communis against the nymph of Periplaneta americana used several concentrations of the three extracts are(3_ 6_ 9_ 12 ) mg / mL and continued exposure for an hour and 24 hours. the results showed that the extracts were active in the repellent process and by large, reaching the highest was 76% for a plant Myrtus communis when exposing nymphs of aqueous extracts warm in concentration of 12 mg / ml after our of treatment while recorded less rates to attract 10.5% at exposing nymphs to extract cold water and concentrate 9 mg / ml after 24 hours of treatment . With regard to ethanolic plant extract it has reached the highest ratio repellent 40.5% at a concentration of 12 mg / ml after one hour of treatment, and scored lower rate attracting 10.5% at exposing nymphs to extract cold water and concentrate 9 mg / ml after 24 hours of treatment. As for the plant Mentha piperita it has reached the highest rate ratio repellent 64.3% when exposing nymphs to extract hot water and a concentration of 12 mg / ml after hour of treatment, and scored lower rate of attracted to extract Mentha piperita leaf 5.5% at exposing nymphs to extract hot water and concentrate 12 mg / ml after 24 hours of treatment. As for the extract ethanolic plant Mentha piperita was the highest repellent rates 43.8% at a concentration of 12 mg / ml after one hour of treatment, while the lower rates to attract 10.2% in concentration 6 mg / ml after 24 hours of the treatment.

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