A Training Course titled as: The Criteria of a Good Laboratory and the Successful Administration (GPL)

The department of Environmental Health implement a training course titled as” The Criteria of a Good Laboratory and the Successful Administration” lectured by Prof. Abdul-Hameed K. Khudhayir PhD and Asst. Instructor Azhar L. Jabur. The first point discussed the qualified administration of laboratories including their types according to their chemical, physical and biological use. The lecturer talked about the conditions required for each type and the main elements for having a successful management for them. One of these elements is the leading and technical staff which has a great role in any successful administration. The second point presented the design of standard laboratories: their criteria, design and criteria in this respect. The lecturer explained that the most important conditions while establishing a laboratory are: the destination, area, the quality of the wall and ceiling insulation materials, emergency exits while danger, ways of keeping and storing chemical materials and conditions of safety and occupational health for researchers and students while working in chemical and biological laboratories.