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Physics books pdf

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A Student’s Guide to Maxwell’s Equations – D. Fleisch (Cambridge, 2008) WW pdf icon

Advanced Quantum Mechanics – F. Dyson (World, 2007) WW pdf icon

Approaches to Fundamental Physics – I. Statamescu, E. Seiler (Springer, 2004) WW pdf icon

Bruneau – Fundamentals of Acoustics (ISTE, 2006) pdf icon

Concepts of Simultaneity – From Antiquity to Einstein and Beyond – M. Jammer (JHUP, 2006) WW pdf icon

Dynamic Plasticity – N. Cristescu (World, 2007) WW pdf icon

Electron Microscopy – Methods and Protocols [Methods In Molec Bio, Vol 117] – M. Hajibagheri pdf icon

Evans – Space Shuttle Columbia – Her Missions and Crews (Praxis, 2005) pdf icon

Fitness of the Cosmos for Life – Biochemistry and Fine-Tuning – J. Barrow, et al., (Cambridge, 20) pdf icon

Generalized Plasticity – M. Yu, et al., (Springer, 2006) WW pdf icon


 Graebel – Advanced Fluid Mechanics (AP, 2007) pdf icon

Halpern – The Great Beyond – Higher Dimensions, Parallel Universes, Theory of Everything (Wiley) pdf icon

Introduction to Computational Plasticity – F. Dunne, N. Petrinic (Oxford, 2006) WW pdf icon

Janssens – Computational Materials Engineering (Elsevier, 2007) pdf icon

Lanzani – Photophysics of Molecular Materials – From Single Molecules to Single Crystals (Wiley) pdf icon

Lincoln – Understanding the Universe – From Quarks to the Cosmos (Worldsci, 2004) pdf icon

McMahon – String Theory Demystified (McGraw, 2008) pdf icon

Modern Vacuum Physics – A. Chambers (CRC, 2005) WW pdf icon

Morin – Introduction to Classical Mechanics with Problems and Solutions (2004)pdf icon

Neutrino Physics – K. Zuber (Taylor and Francis, 2004) WW pdf icon


Photonics Essentials – An Introduction With Experiments – T. Pearsall (McGraw-Hill, 2003) WW pdf icon

Povh – Particles and Nuclei – Introduction to the Physical Concepts 5e (Springer, 2006) pdf icon


Quantum Physics – M. Le Bellac (Cambridge, 2006) WW pdf icon

Richards – Principles of Solid Mechanics (CRC, 2001) pdf icon

Schutz – Gravity from the Ground Up (Cambridge, 2003) pdf icon

Simple Models of Magnetism – R. Skomski (Oxford, 2008) WW pdf icon

Statistical Mechanics – from First Principles to Macroscopic Phenomena – J. Halley (Cambridge, 20) pdf icon

Statistical Mechanics 2nd ed – F. Schwabl  (Springer, 2006) WW pdf icon

Statistical Mechanics Made Simple – D. Mattis (World, 2003) WW pdf icon

Structure and Bonding in Crystalline Materials – G. Rohrer (Cambridge, 2004) WW pdf icon


Structures Under Crash and Impact – S. Hiermaier (Springer, 2008) WW pdf icon

Sun, Earth and Sky 2nd ed – K. Lang (Springer, 2006) WW pdf icon

Supersymmetry in Particle Physics – An Elementary Introduction – I. Aitchinson (Cambridge, 2007) pdf icon

The Cosmic Microwave Background – R. Durrer (Cambridge, 2008) WW pdf icon

The Electromagnetic Origin Of Quantum Theory And Light 2nd ed – D.Grimes,C.Grimes(World, 2004)pdf icon

The Evolution of Matter – From the Big Bang to the Present Day – I. Tolstikhin, J. Kramers (Cambr) pdf icon

The Physics of Vibrations and Waves 6th ed – A. Pain (Wiley, 2005) WW pdf icon

The Universal Force – Gravity, the Creator of Worlds – L. Girifalco (Oxford, 2008) WW pdf icon

Thermal Stress Resistance of Materials – A. lanin, I. Fedik (Springer, 2008) WW pdf icon

Understanding Flight [intro aerodynamics] – D. Anderson, S. Eberhardt (McGraw-Hill, 2001) WW pdf icon