محاضرات المرحلة الرابعة Post author: Post published: Post category:غير مصنف Medical bacteriology I د.سهاد هادي محمد Medical Bacteriology II د.سهاد هادي محمد Endocrinology أ.م. جاسم عبد العباس Antibiotics أ.م.د.علاء الدعمي Medical Mycology أ.د.م.علاء الدعمي Diagnostic Parasitology د.هادي رسول You Might Also Like Evaluation of Case detection rates of Pulmonary Tuberculosis before and after adoption of GeneXpert MTB/RIF محاضرات English م.3(م.م سهاد) Effect of Inherited Bleeding Disorder on Some Physiological Parameters for Patients In Karbala City of Iraq
Evaluation of Case detection rates of Pulmonary Tuberculosis before and after adoption of GeneXpert MTB/RIF
Effect of Inherited Bleeding Disorder on Some Physiological Parameters for Patients In Karbala City of Iraq