Karem Kdaer Karem.

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Personal Picture

Personal Information

Name : Karem Kdaer Karem. 
Nationality: Iraq
Home Address: Province of Kerbalaa’-Iraq
Marital Status: Married

Contact Information

Education and Qualifications

  • 2009; M.sc degree of Public Health College Of Techniques Medical Sciences; Central Techniques University.
  • 1999; B.sc public Health College Of Techniques  Medical Sciences; Central Techniques University.

Employment History

  • May , 2018- now Lecturer in Applied medical Science college at Karbala University.
    • Public Health .
    • Occupational Health .
    • Introduction to health sciences .
    • Industrial Hygiene .
  • January, 2011- May 2015 lecturer assistant in Applied medical Science college at Karbala University .
  • May 2015 lecturer
  • March 2019 assistant Prof.


  • Physiological analysis of vitamin D deficiency in food and its impact on osteoporosis and heredity. Eurasian journal of BioSciences.
  • Protective effect of green tea against poisoning with malathion in adult rat
  • An Evaluation of Hemoglobin concentration in patients with Diabetes Mellitus type 2
  • Comparison between manual procedure and automated for determinant of WBCs and PCV in maternity and labor hospital in Karbala city. Journal of contemporary medical sciences, Clarivate analytics.
  • Prevalence of toxoplasma Gondi among abortion women in Karbala city , Journal Of Education Sciences, Karbala University .
  • Incidence of Multi drug resistant of E.Coli isolate from urine and blood in Karbala city, Journal Of Karbala University.
  • Epidemiologica study of Breast cancer among female in Karbala city during 2013,  Journal College Of Science, Al- Kufa University.
  • Epidemiological study for common causes of diarrhea disease among children under 5 years of age in some Iraqi province. Karbala journal of pharmaceutical sciences, Karbala University.
  • Apo lipoprotein A1 and High density lipoprotein as risk marker among Myocardial Infarction patients in general hospital in Kerbala city

Career History

  • March, 2011- 2014 Decider of Environmental health department.
  • April, 2015- until now Committee of control of transmission of disease.
  • 2017 workshop (first aid and fir protection)>
  • 2018 Seminar (seminal fluid analysis).
  • 2018 Training course (Aspiration of blood in human and measurement of Hb by manual and automated method).
  • April 2018 , act as Health coordinator between College of applied medical sciences and Health institutions.

Other Information

  • Arabic mother tongue.
  • English, (write, speak, listening) very good.
Computer skills
  • Excellent in operating system.
  • Smart (Word, Excel and Power Point).
  • Very good in SPSS.
Others skills
  • Work for more than ten years in a private medical laboratory
  • Experiences work especially, Biochemistry and advance analysis in medical laboratory