Technical College-Misayyab, Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University discussed a master dissertation on an analytical comparison of a single-phase multi-speed induction motor using the finite element method by the postgraduate student, Mr. Mohammed Jassim Hassan Al-Saadi.
The dissertation aimed at using the capabilities of the Ansys program in its two branches RMxprt / Maxwell2D to study the effect of any change in the motor design on the motor performance of a single-phase multi-speed 0.25 hp induction motor.
The dissertation confirmed that the numerical model using finite element analysis (two dimensions) for this type of motor gives the inductor an accurate determination of the motor performance, and the motor’s behavior can be predicted when changing the values of the additional capacitor or the air gap between the fixed part and the rotating part, as well as the deviation of the rotor bars.
The dissertation recommended the possibility of improving the (two-dimensional) analysis that was conducted for this motor to become a (three-dimensional) analysis, as well as conducting the associated electromagnetic thermal analysis to determine the temperature distribution inside the machine.