Prediction of Deleterious Non-Synonymous Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (Nssnps) of Human TLR7 Gene

Prediction of Deleterious Non-Synonymous Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (Nssnps) of Human TLR7 Gene AbstractToll-like receptors (TLRs) play a key role in innate immune response activation against viruses. TLR7, one of the…

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Zainab Abdulla Mankhi

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Full Name: Zainab Abdulla Mankhi    Date of Birth: 11 July 1982 Place of Birth: Karbala, Iraq  Nationality: Iraqi  Language: Arabic and English  Place of work: Department of Medical Physics, College…

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Curriculum Vitae Personal Profile Name:  ALI HAMAD ABD KELKAWI Nationality: IRAQI Place of Birth: KERBALA Date of Birth: 2/12/1987 Marital Status: married  Number of Children: 3 Home Address: Iraq- Kerbala…


A master’s thesis at the University of Karbala discusses the association of some types of bacteria and some risk factors for psoriasis

A master's thesis at the University of Karbala discusses the association of some types of bacteria and some risk factors for psoriasis The College of Applied Medical Sciences at the…

Continue ReadingA master’s thesis at the University of Karbala discusses the association of some types of bacteria and some risk factors for psoriasis