كلية العلوم الطبية التطبيقية

سيرة ذاتية

الاسم : د. عبير جياد يوسف

اللقب العلمي: استاذ

Title: Dr.

Name: Abeer Cheaid Yousif Al-Fatlawi

Academic Rank: Professor



  1. physiology, College of Science , Al-Kufa University (2015)
  2. Biology, physiology, College of Education, Karbala University (2009)
  3. Biology, College of Education, Dep. Biology/ Karbala University (2002)

Student Supervision (Master degree/PhD)

Thesis/ Dissertation Title:

 Evaluation the Level of Some Hemolysis Markers Visfatin, sVcam-1 in Steady and Crisis State of Sickle Cell Anemia Patients and Related with Vasculopathy

Year: 2023

Relationship of some Physiological and Biochemical Parameters with Occurrence Atherosclerosis in Obese and non-Obese Individuals in Karbala Governorate

Year: 2023

Evaluation of Hypogonadism in Males with Blood Transfusion Dependent β-Thalassemia and its Relation with Leptin and Ghrelin Hormones

Year: 2021

  • Physiology
  • Endocrinology
  • Hematology
  • Histology and histopathology
  • Biochemistry


  1. Abeer cheaid yousif AL-fatlawi: The toxic effect of nickel chloride (II) and potassium dichromate (VI) on the activity of reproductive system in male mice (2016). Al-Kufa University Journal for Biology / VOL.8/ NO.3/ Year: Print ISSN: 2073-8854 & Online ISSN: 2311-6544.
  2. Abeer cheaid yousif AL-fatlawi and Merza H. Al-Murshedi: The effects of Heavy metal (Nickel) on Hematological parameters of laboratory male mice. International Journal of Advanced Research (2015), Volume 3, Issue 9, 598 – 601.p.
  3. Abeer cheaid yousif AL-fatlawi: ccumulation of Heavy Metals Nickel chloride(II) and potassium dichromate (VI) in the Male Mice for Different Organs and Its Effects on Absolute Weights. Al-Kufa University Journal for Biology / VOL.8/ NO.2/ Year: (2016).
  4. Abeer Chiad Yousif, Mahdi Abdel kadher Ali and Kamal Mathlum Flyeh: Isolation and detection some factors causes diarrhea in children. Journal of K erbala University , Vol. 10 No.4 Scientific . 2012.
  5. Abeer Cheaid Yousif Al-Fatlawi1*, Al-Nasrawi Adil Ateyah A. A.2,
  6. Haider Jebur Kehios (2020): Histopathological and Molecular Studies For An association Between Breast Cancer and Epstein-Barr virus In Iraqi Population.
  7. Abeer cheaid yousif AL-fatlawi: The toxic effect of nickel chloride (II) and potassium dichromate (VI) on the activity of reproductive system in male mice. Al-Kufa University Journal for Biology / VOL.8/ NO.3/ Year: 2016.
  8. عبد الامير عيدان الجبوري, د. عبير جياد يوسف الفتلاوي, د. مريم محمد برهان: د ا رسة تقييم تأثير المستخمص المائي لأو ا رق نبات اصبع العذ ا رء Vitex agnus في خصوبة. مجلة كربلاء للعلوم الزراعية ) وقائع المؤتمر العلمي الثالث لكمية الطب البيطري/ جامعة كربلاء في العاشر من نيسان17 20).
  9. عبير جياد يوسف: دراسة نسجية مرضية لمرضى الدراق العقدي غير السرطاني. مجلة جامعة كربلاء العلمية – المجلد التاسع – العدد الأول / علمي/ / 2011
  10. عبير جياد يوسف: دراسة وبائية لبعض التهابات الثدي لعينة من النساء والرجال في محافظة كربلاء المقدسة. مجلة جامعة كربلاء العلمية – المجلد العاشر – العدد الأول / علمي / 2012
  11. د.مهدي عبد الخضر علي و عبير جياد يوسف : دراسة تأثير بعض العوامل المسببة لأحداث داء سكري الاطفال في محافظتي كربلاء والنجف للعامين 2011-2010. مجلة جامعة كربلاء العلمية – المجلد العاشر/ العدد الثالث / علمي/ / 2102
  12. د.مهدي عبد الخضر علي ,عبير جياد يوسف و ثامر كريم خضير: دراسة وبائية وفسلجية لمرض السل الرئوي في محافظة كربلاء. مجلة جامعة كربلاء العلمية المجلد العاشر العدد الثالث/ علمي / 2012ز
  13. Abeer Cheaid Yousif Al-Fatlawi 1 , Zainab Salman Mahdi 1 , Alaa Qasim Radhi 1 , Zainab Kased Saeed1 and Zahraa Abdulhussien 1 Study the Associated of Rheumatoid Arthritis with Anemia and Lipid Profile Changes in the Men and Women Patients in the Holy City of Karbala, Vol. 2, Issue 7, pp 130-134, summer 2018.
  14. Mariam Mohammed Burhan1, Abdulameer I. Rahman2, Abeer C.Al-fatlawi3, HamedaAbd-Al Mahdi Ghazi1 study an aqueous seed extract of petroselinum crispum and it effect on fertility of male mice Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, November 2019, Vol. 10, No. 11.
  15. prof.Abeer Cheaid yousif AL-fatlawi1, Lecture.Haider J. Kehiosh2,Assist.prof. Zainab .A. Mohsin AL-Haboobi3,Assist.prof. Eman Ibrahim Awad4, Alaa .A. Hussein AL- Kadhim5, Hanaa Hasan Kadhim6 Hormonal studies of some herbs medicine extract (Salvia Officinalis) and its effect on total body weights and some reproductive organs in the mature female mice.
  16. Zainab abed Mohsin AL-Haboobi, Zahra M. Al-Hakak, Eman I. Awad., Abeer Cheaid Yousif Al-Fatlawi, Hanaa Hasan Kadim. (2018). Some Physiological Tests For Patients With Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in The Holy Karbala Province. Vol. 8, No. 15 and 16 P. (77-84).
  17. Abeer Cheaid Yousif Al-Fatlawi (2019). A Review on Sickle Cells Disease. 3, Issue 12, pp 146-148,
  18. Abeer Cheaid Yousif Al-Fatlawi1, Muntdhur Mohammad cani2 (2021): Histological Study for Some Organ of Albino Mice Exposed to Heavy metals Copper Sulphate and Lead Nitrate.
  19. haider J. Kehiosh1 Dr. Abeer C.Al-fatlawi2 (2017): Histopathological changes of heavy metals Nickel Chloride (II) and Potassium dichromate (VI) on the Liver and Kidney of Swiss Male Mice. Kerbala journal of pharmaceutical sciences . No. (13) 2017
  20. Zainab Salman Mahdi Al-Jobouri, Abeer Cheaid Yosif, Israa Mustafa Salih :Splenectomy as an Alternative Way to Ameliorate some biomarker in β-Thalassemia patients , Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation; 32(3) ISSN 2651-4451 | e-ISSN 2651-446X
  21. Abeer Cheaid Yousif Al-fatlawi, and Wasan Ghazi. AlSafi Hematological study of some bloodparameters for B-thalassemia major patientsand effect on their fertility, AIP Conference Proceedings 2290, 020022 (2020); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0027473
  22. Abeer Cheaid Yousif Al-Fatlawi: Evaluation of leptin serum concentration in cases of blood transfusion dependent Beta thalassemia and its relationship with thyroid dysfunction Biomedicine: 2022; 42(5): 1029-1033
  23. Abeer Cheaid Yousif Al-Fatlawi An evaluation of blood glucose and lipid profile in female hypothyroidism patients in Kerbala province, Iraq Biomedicine: 2022; 42(3): 556-560

Peer-reviewed papers

  • High Performance Liquid Chromatography and Red Cell Indices an efficient screening tool for diagnosing Haemoglobinopathies: A retrospective observational study from North India.
  • Evaluation of the harmful effects of mebetalin drug on some anatomical parameters and structural abnormalities in albino rat embryos during late stage of gestation.
  • Determination of some biochemical parameters related to hepatic disturbances in patients presented to private and official laboratories in Baquba- city
  • Study the relationship between Clinical Parameters In women Patients Suffering from Osteoporosis.
  • Herbal phenolic acids_A review on their antioxidant effects, biochemical properties and their clinical and experimental effects.
  • Retrospective Review Study of Oral Histology Preclinical Research.
  • A retrospective Study the most common causes of children’s urinary tract infections in Al-Batool Teaching Hospital.
  • Hepatoprotective effect of Aloe vera gel extract against Hepatotoxicity of Azathioprine .
  • Study of Histopathological Effects Of Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles on some organs in male mice.
  • Effect of endocrine-disrupting chemicals on the vitality and morphology of spermatozoa in albino rats.
  • Histopathology (for postgraduate –Msc )
  • Histology (theory – for second stage (undergraduate).
  • Hematology for third stage (undergraduate).
  • Histopathology (theory for third stage (undergraduate).
  • Medical ethics (theory for first stage (undergraduate).
  • Medical Terminology (theory for first stage (undergraduate).
  • Pathophysiology (theory – for second stage (undergraduate).