كلية العلوم الطبية التطبيقية

سيرة ذاتية

الاسم : د. كريمة فاضل عباس

اللقب العلمي: استاذ

Title: Dr.

Name: Karima Fadhil Abbas

Academic Rank: Professor



1- B.Sc in biology science  / University of Basrah  1993 – 1997.

2- M.Sc in plant physiology / University of Basrah  1998-2001.

3- PhD in plant physiology and  / University of Basrah  2015.

4- Ass. Prof. Dr. plant physiology and  / University of Basrah  2010.

5- Prof. Dr. in plant physiology and  / University of kerbala 2018.

– plant ecophysiology

– bioremediation .

– ecology.

– plant Eco stresses .

-phytoremediation .

  1. Changes in auxins ,gibberllins and trace elements during  growth and development of buds in certain Cultivars of European grape Vitis vinifera L.basrah journal of science/ 2005
  2. Effect study of leaf removal of cluster on some chemical and physical properties of grape Vitis vinifera L. Cutivar Agemi journal of kerbala university ./2007

3- Effect of nickel nitrate spraying on growth and some trace Elements levels of tomato plant Lycopersicon  esculantum Mill. Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences/ 2006

4- Effect of Gibberellic acid on vegetative growth and mineral content  of mango seedlings,   Mangifera indica L.basrah journal of science/2008

5- Variation in concentrations of some elements in leaves and fruits of Guava (Psidium guajava L.) and soil irrigated with polluted water from Abu Al-Khaseeb River, Southern Iraq. Marsh Bulletin/2008

6- Changes in levels of mineral nutrients during growth and development of dormant buds in some cultivars of European Grape Vitis vinifera L.Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences/ 2010

7-The physiological side effect of two Insecticide Malathion  and pyrethroid (cypermethrin) On the growth and Trace Metals content in Helianthus annus L.  journal of kerbala university /2010

 8-Effect of salinity on seed Germination and Growth of Tomato Seedling                                          ( Lycopersicon esculentum L.) Thi – Qar journal of science /2010

 9- Effect of irrigation water types and spraying with seaweeds on vegetative growth   biochemical attributes and minerals contents  of Ziziphus mauritiana and Citrus sinensis seedlings. assiut j. of Agricultural Sciences/ 2016

10- Effect of water salinity and salicylic acid treatment in mineral , hormonal  content  and protein profile  of Helianthus annus L. Seedlings. Thi – Qar J.Agri. Res./2016

– bioremediation  for fourth stage (undergraduate).

– biodiversity for third stage (undergraduate).

– waste water treatment for third stage (undergraduate).