Isolation and detection some factors causes diarrhea in children

The study was carried out to isolation and detection some of pathlogical agent of diarrhea
disease for year(2009-2010-2011)all state take from one of health care center in kerbala total of
it (1626)patients ,(443)case for year 2009 ,()451)case for year 2010,(732)case for year2011.The
results showed that the number of patient in female more than male for year(2009,2010)reached
in male and female (158,285) for year 2009 respectively while reached in male and female
(211,240)for year 2010 respectively .The sample of water tested by[diethyl paraphenyel
diamine(DPD)]chlorine were less than normal or negative Water culture showed growth of
E.coli and other microorganisms. Stool examination showed high rate of E.coli,G.lambilia and