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Disadvantages and damages of illicit drug and alcohol abuse

Educational Seminar

“The Disadvantages and Damages of the Abuse of Drugs and Illicit Alcoholic Beverages”

According to the instructions of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the AMS held an educational seminars on the phenomenon of substance abuse and alcoholic beverages and their impact on the social and economic level under the supervision of the Dean of the Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences and the Department of Environmental Health at the Faculty in the Grand Hall of Imam Al-Sadiq (PBUH) in the building of the Scientific Departments in the College. The seminar included four axes delivered by Dr. Ali Mousa- Faculty of Medicine / University of Kerbalaa\ and the instructor Karim Khudair Karim / Department of Environmental Health and Dr. Nawras Al Tayyar / Department of Health Guidance / Karbala Health Department and Colonel Hussein Nasrawi / Drug Control Police officer in the Holy City of Karbala. The seminar included the definition of the presence of health and social aspects and legal consequences of the drug abusers. The symposium issued recommendations including the need to raise awareness among the members of society about the negative effects of drugs and alcohol and that the state and civil society institutions measurements to have the responsibility by themselves to combat this deadly phenomenon.