Variation in concentrations of some elements in leaves and fruits of Guava (Psidium guajava L.) and soil irrigated with polluted water from Abu Al-Khaseeb River, Southern Iraq.

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Variation in concentrations of some elements in leaves and
fruits of Guava (Psidium guajava L.) and soil irrigated
with polluted water from Abu Al-Khaseeb River,
Southern Iraq.

F.J. M. Al-Imaraha ; A.A. Mahmooda ; A.A. Abbasb and K.F. Abbasb
aDept. Marine Enviro. Chem. , Marine Sci. Centre,Basrah Univ.
bDept. of Bio., Coll. of Science, Basrah Univ.


During the cultivation period, growth and ripeness of Guava (Psidium guajava) plant in the fields of Abu
Al-Khasseb, Southern Iraq were studied for estimation of chemical elements contents, Cd, Co, Cu , Fe, Mn and
Zn in leaves and fruits of Guava irrigated by water from Abu Al-Khaseeb river polluted by crude oil spilled in
Shatt Al-Arab River. Two sites were selected, Bab Debagh and Abu Mugherah. The study was conducted
throughout two seasons, for the periods,Oct.2003-March 2004 and March 2004–August 2004. The first season is
characterized by bud blooming and plants were irrigated with rain water, while the second season is
characterized by growth of leaves and buds, bloom and ripeness, water used in this stage for irrigation was from
Abu Al-Khaseeb River. Moreover a clear model was used during these seasons as a control irrigated with tab
water. Some chemical elements were estimated by adopting the Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry in the
leaves and fruits of Guava plant. Highest differences in the concentrations of studied elements were recorded in
leaves and fruits before and after ripeness during the first season and for both sites. While concentrations were
increased for all studied elements except Cd in leaves after fruit ripeness in both sites, and all elements except
Cd, Fe and Mg in fruits after ripeness in Bab Debagh site, while elements Cd, Cu and Mg decreased with no
change in Co and Fe and increase in Zn only in fruits after ripeness for Abu Mugherah site. Guava fruit
characterized by diameter, length in cm and weight in gm as 12.6, 5.4 and 30.36 respectively for Bab Debagh
site and 15.5, 7.2 and 45.3 respectively for Abu Mugherah site during the first season. For the second season,

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