Prevalence of Scabies among Patients Attending the Dermatology Outpatient Clinic in Najaf governorate, Iraq

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Prevalence of Scabies among Patients Attending the Dermatology Outpatient Clinic in Najaf governorate, Iraq

Malak Majid Al-Musawi¹ Hadi Rasool Hasan² Azar Hadi Maluki³
¹Dept. of Biology, College of Education for Girls, Kufa University, Iraq
²College of Pharmacy, Karbala University, Iraq
³ College of Medicine, Kufa University, Iraq

Scabies is a common ectoparasitic contagious skin infestation globally, particularly in the developing world. To estimate and document the prevalence of scabies infestation among patients attending the Dermatology Outpatient Clinic in Najaf governorate, Iraq. This study is a hospital-based descriptive study. It was conducted during the period from February 2012 till November 2012 in Dermatology Outpatient Clinic, Al-Sader Medical City. Study patients were physically examined by dermatology specialists (dermatologists) for the presence of scabies as well as microscopic examination of skin scraping was confirmed. The prevalence of scabies was 6.54%. Out of this, 56% were males and 44% were females. Their ages range was 10-65 years. The highest frequency of scabies was among patients aged 10-19 years (41.7%). Majority of scabietic patients had the symptoms of scabies for less than 1 month (72%). Prison was the main source of infestation (49.3%). Scabies infestation was highest in patients belong to urban areas (56.3%), family size more than 5 persons (54%), and who were illiterate (46.3%).Age-specific prevalence of scabies by gender showed statistical significance (p=0.004). Age-specific prevalence of scabies stratified by duration of symptoms showed statistical significance (p=0.013). The topographical distribution of scabies lesions showed that trunk was the most affected sites in both sexes (100%). Axillae and breast had statistical significant difference in females (p=0.001 and p< 0.000) respectively, whereas hands and genitalia were statistically significant in males (p<0.000 and p=0.02) respectively. Scabies was more prevalent in colder months than in summer. The prevalence of scabies was 6.54%. Scabies topped the list of parasitic diseases.
Scabies is a common dermatologic problem. The incidence of the infestation can be reduced by social health education and improving socioeconomic and hygienic conditions, as well as by promoting more efficient health services.
Keywords: Scabies, Topographical distribution, Najaf, Iraq.

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